Fun Family Thai Cooking Class

Fun Family Thai Cooking Class

This is a 2 hour class includes hands on instruction to learn to prepare 3 fun Thai dishes, as well as buying the ingredients in the market. 

The class starts with a quick warm up exercise of colouring your noodles. Yes, that’s right. We will dye the noodles with natural colouring from edible flowers. 

Next, we will explore the market and be given the task to buy the missing ingredients that we will need for the rest of the class.   

When we get back to the classroom the cooking begins. 

Our first dish is what we call Cooking in Kroks. A krok is a small pan in which you can cook small round snacks. We will use quail eggs to make a snack called “Khai Nok Krata”, and pay extra special attention to making them look beautiful. 

Next we will make Pad Thai with a colourful twist. 

The class will finish by making Look Choop. Look choop are Thai sweets that are made in the shapes of fruits, vegetables and sometimes cartoon characters!

Cold drinks will be served throughout and ice cream will be served at the end. 

This is only run as a private class so it is possible to adapt it to your families interests. However, the above activities has been selected and tested with kids in mind.

This content was originally published here.

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